To Cali on Pandora

A man (me), his dog (Gage), their URal (a sidecar motorcycle named Pandora), a bunch of time (6 weeks), a lot of miles (to Cali and back), and a lot of flirting (yes, Gage is a constant flirt).

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

In Cali

Started in: By Los Angeles (at my sister's)
Ended in: By Los Angeles (at my sister's)
Pandora’s Status: Purring like a kitten.

I have been at my sister's house since Sunday, and we are having a blast mingled with adequate vegetating. I should say that margaritas test especially good on a weekday in the afternoon!

Yesterday I washed Pandora and changed her oil.

Last night, one of Stacy's neighbors invited me to a very nice supper at her house. We had good food and her neighbor showed me a video of her trip to Africa a couple of years ago.

This morning, I called the local Ural dealer. The soonest they could get me into their shop would be Tuesday. The soonest they could have a new ignition module (if that's what they diagnosed the problem as) would be a week after they looked at it...I guess I will have to continue on with the module that I currently have.

Today I drove near to Beverly Hills to buy a new (all weather) laptop bag to use while I am in Africa. Let me tell you, smog sucks big time when you are on a motorcycle. The people that worked in the store came told me they were a very dog-friendly store, and that I should bring my dog inside!


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