To Cali on Pandora

A man (me), his dog (Gage), their URal (a sidecar motorcycle named Pandora), a bunch of time (6 weeks), a lot of miles (to Cali and back), and a lot of flirting (yes, Gage is a constant flirt).

Friday, September 30, 2005

It's Late and I'm Tired

Started in: Lyman, WY
Ended in: St. George, UT (less than 20 miles from Arizona)
Pandora’s Status: Purring like a kitten.

Wow, that was a push. To be honest, I tried to stop a long time ago (I just found a hotel a little before midnight). All of the hotels for many miles are no vacancy because of a big marathon that is going on tomorrow.

I cant wait to post all the pics I have, soon, I promise!

Side note: Utah gets frigid as soon as the sun goes down.


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