To Cali on Pandora

A man (me), his dog (Gage), their URal (a sidecar motorcycle named Pandora), a bunch of time (6 weeks), a lot of miles (to Cali and back), and a lot of flirting (yes, Gage is a constant flirt).

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Change of Plans

Started in: Roswell, NM
Ended in: ?
Pandora’s Status: Running good and covered in gas residue.

I was a little depressed last night, is really sucks getting drenched in gas.

I am also starting to feeling like I should be getting back to the Cities. I will be leaving in 23 days, and I still have a lot to do before flying out. I have decided to abandon route 66 and begin a more direct route back to the Cities. I am still far away, and their are a lot things that could happen along the way...


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