To Cali on Pandora

A man (me), his dog (Gage), their URal (a sidecar motorcycle named Pandora), a bunch of time (6 weeks), a lot of miles (to Cali and back), and a lot of flirting (yes, Gage is a constant flirt).

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Sometimes I need to float -- need to be un, expected.
I don't know why this is so, and I think it confuses people.

When I am with others, I try to be all with them.
I succeed at this more that I have in the past -- and still less than I like.

Sometimes when I float, secrets of my self are revealed to me.
I know why this is so, and I expect it.

Know that when I am not with you, I still think of you and feel our connection.
Know this helps me be more with you, when I am with you.


At 8:55 PM, Blogger Jay Haase said...


Thanks for the comments!



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