To Cali on Pandora

A man (me), his dog (Gage), their URal (a sidecar motorcycle named Pandora), a bunch of time (6 weeks), a lot of miles (to Cali and back), and a lot of flirting (yes, Gage is a constant flirt).

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Started in: Wisconsin, by the Dells
Ended in: Wisconsin, by the Dells
Pandora’s Status: Purring like a kitten
My Mom and I got up at 6:00 am today and headed out for Chicago -- our mission -- get into the afternoon taping of The Oprah Show.

We waited in line for about 2 hours, and were unable to get in. In all honesty to Oprah, her website very clearly states there are no standby seats. We just decided to take a chance on it since this might be are only opportunity for a long time.

Tonight we are going to watch
Big Fish, and then tomorrow I will head back to the Cities in anticipation of receiving my release!


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